Portfolio > uneasyWONDER Exhibition: February 24-March 20, 2025 Roger Hall Gallery, Lane Community College, Eugene, OR

uneasyWONDER - Lichen Dreaming
uneasyWONDER - Lichen Dreaming
acrylic, aerosol paints, powder graphite on fabric
48"x144" Site Specific Installation Pine Meadow Ranch and Center for Arts & Agriculture, Sisters, OR

It was only a matter of time before the colors of lichen appeared in the work. They exploded across a large piece of fabric—poured, dripped and sprayed, then stenciled, left over night and pinned to the backside of the Old Shop. Its colors are drawn from the Whychus Creek and the brilliantly-hued lichen that covers many of its rocks, and a natural occurring dichotomy being both a potential toxin as well as an air purifier and indicator of healthy air.